$975 up to three people
plus $325 each additional person

$600 up to 3 people,
plus $200 each additional person

Kenai River Sockeye Fishing
For those who would like to keep fish, Sockeye fishing the Kenai River is a great option! Of all the Salmon, Sockeye, also known as Red Salmon, are prized for having flesh that is more firm and a deeper color of red than other species of Salmon. When properly cared for and packaged, Sockeye Salmon can easily last all winter in your freezer and be just as delicious as the day they were caught.
Sockeye are really fun to have on the end of your line! Pound for pound, they are the hardest fighting fish in the river. Once hooked, Sockeye will often go on long runs, or show off their acrobatic skills by jumping completely out of the water, performing backflips and cartwheels. Sockeye fishing correctly requires a specific technique. With proper instruction, it is easy to learn. We have been teaching anglers of all ages and skill levels how to Sockeye fish effectively for over 15 years and are confident that anyone can succeed under our guidance.
On our guided trips, we will work with each of our guests individually to see to it that they are fishing well and having fun! Timing is critical for this fishery, being in the right place at the right time can make all the difference. The Kenai River has two distinct Sockeye runs. The first run of Sockeye begins in June, with great fishing opportunities June 11, opening day of the season. Fishing usually tapers off by the first week of July. The second run will start to fish well in the Upper Kenai in late July and stays good through about the second week of August. If you are planning to fish for Sockeye, please consider these times and reach out to us to help plan a successful trip.
Kenai River Coho Fishing
Coho Salmon, also known as Silver Salmon, are a favorite of many fly anglers (ourselves included). Coho are a remarkable sport fish! With a sharply honed predatory instinct, they are eager to take a properly presented fly. Coho Salmon fishing the Upper Kenai River is another wonderful option for those that would like to keep fish. With a higher fat content than Sockeye Salmon, they are our preferred choice for grilling or searing as they will be less prone to dry out and are harder to over cook. Coho make their way to the Upper Kenai in fishable numbers in late August and fishing stays good for the remainder of our season. Coho like to rest in soft water, where we strip flies to trigger aggressive bites. Targeting Coho in this way usually presents sight fishing opportunities which can be very exciting. Picture yourself standing in our boat, stripping your fly in front of a group of Coho and watching as one breaks away from the group to eat your fly! Again, being in the right place at the right time is critical to success. With over 15 years experience guiding the Upper Kenai for Coho, you can count on us to give you the best chance of success. If you would like to catch Coho on the fly, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Quality Guided Fly Fishing
​Lakeview outfitters is a small, guide owned company. You can count on having an experienced, local guide who cares about the quality of your trip. We love and understand our local fisheries and are excited to share them with you!
A trip anyone can enjoy
Drift fishing the upper Kenai is great for the experienced and beginning angler alike.
We love introducing new people to the art of fly fishing, and if needed, you can count on expert guidance to get you dialed in. Experienced anglers will appreciate pairing their abilities with skilled rowers who can put them on fish.
Personalized fishing trips
We do not mix groups on our fishing trips. When you book with Lakeview Outfitters, it will only be your party and your guide. This allows us to focus on providing a personalized trip just for you, rather than splitting the interests of different groups.
We do not offer automated online bookings for a reason. In order to provide the best quality trip, we would like to talk to you about your preferences before booking!
If you would like to join us, please drop us a line at: